Bubble Ost complete soundtrack list of Netflix animation (Anime) movies. The release date is April 28, 2022.
Bubble Soundtrack
0:02 Eve Feat. Uta – Bubble (Theme Song)
45:03 UTAtoHIBIKI 澤野弘之 (Hiroyuki Sawano)
1:35:50 りりあ。 – Bye Bye, See You.
Hiroyuki Sawano – PARKOUR
色彩 (Shikisai) (Ft. りりあ。(Riria.)

Bubble Ost
The story is set in Tokyo, after bubbles that broke the laws of gravity rained down upon the world. Cut off from the outside world, Tokyo has become a playground for a group of young people who have lost their families, acting as a battlefield for parkour team battles as they leap from building to building. Hibiki, a young ace known for his dangerous playstyle, makes a reckless move one day and plummets into the gravity-bending sea. His life is saved by Uta, a girl with mysterious powers who appears suddenly. The pair then hear a unique sound audible only to them. Why did Uta appear before Hibiki? Their encounter leads to a revelation that will change the world.
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